My Projects
Check out the projects I worked on!
SWY35 Message Board
A private social media platform for SWY35 participants. Built with Next.js, Firebase and Tailwind CSS.

MAUN Mobile
Mobile application for Mus Alparslan University.

Plant App
An app to display plant information that will be placed on a local museum of plants.

Historia Floor Plan
A floor plan kiosk app for Historia Shopping and Life Center in Fatih, Istanbul.

Recyling Platform
A platform to help people recycle and be responsible consumers for the good of our environment.

Discord Server Templates
A website to browse Discord server templates and create your own.

Discord Steam Verification
A Discord bot to verify if a user owns a specific item on Steam and give them roles!

Unblock Please
Free to use Chrome extension to unblock Imgur and Pastebin restrictions.

Family Feud Game
An interactive browser game with real-time (v2) remote control to play within your community!